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By providing my personal data and submitting this form, or by sending an email to the “Contact Us” email address(es) listed on this website, I consent to (a) ESR-REIT, its agents and its authorised service providers collecting, using, disclosing and/or processing my personal data, in order to process and/or respond to my request, query, feedback or comments, and (b) ESR-REIT’s Personal Data Protection Policy, which includes the use and disclosure of my personal data for the purpose of helping ESR-REIT review and improve its products and services (including conducting market research and data analytics).
I confirm and agree that my consents above do not supersede or replace any other consent which I previously provided to ESR-REIT in respect of my personal data, and is additional to any rights which ESR-REIT may have at law to collect, use, disclose and/or process my personal data.